
    Stalin Digital Archive

    Containing a selection of documents from Fond 558, this covers Stalin's personal biography, his work in government, and his conduct of foreign affairs.

    American Indians and the American West, 1809-1971

    A large variety of collections from the U.S. National Archives, a series of collections from the Chicago History Museum, as well as selected first-hand accounts on Indian Wars and westward migration.

    Ukraine Parliamentary Election, 2012

    This database represents the most comprehensive collection of election related ephemera and primary source material documenting the contentious Ukrainian Rada elections of October 28, 2012.

    Bloomsbury Popular Music

    Bloomsbury Popular Music is a unique source of scholarship and serious in-depth analysis of popular music in a global context.

    Digital Library of World War I

    Brill’s Digital Library of World War I is an online resource that contains over 700 encyclopedia entries plus 250 peer-reviewed articles of transnational and global historical perspectives on significant topics of World War I.

    Brockhaus Enzyklopädie Online

    Bibliotheken und Schulen unterstützt Brockhaus mit verschiedenen Nachschlagewerken, dem E-Learning-Angebot Schülertraining und digitalen Lehrwerken bei der Vermittlung wichtiger Informations- und Medienkompetenzen für ein Leben in der digitalen Gesellschaft.

    Chinese Research Perspectives Online

    The former Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Yearbooks have become part of the Chinese Research Perspectives series. The Chinese Research Perspectives series includes four research areas: Education, the Environment, Population and Labor, and Society.

    Classic Arabic Texts Online

    Offers accounts of the early conquests of the Islamic polity and historical works about the first centuries of Muslim society.
